What to Do When Your Former Landlord Won’t Give Your Security Deposit Back
Get the help that you need from Ace Small Claims today.
Were you promised your security deposit back if you fulfilled your landlord’s contracted list of instructions but have yet to see a cent of the money you paid in? If that sounds like you, it’s time to stop waiting to receive your cash. Ace Small Claims can get you what you deserve without delay.
How We Can Assist You
Our team of dedicated specialists helps you file forms with small claims court, so you get what is justly yours after months of waiting. Rather than do without the money that you paid in as a security deposit, you’ll pay a small fee to have us assist you with the filing process. You can then count on being awarded your security deposit back if the court rules in your favor.
Some landlords count on your inability to speak up for yourself. They take advantage of your good nature by taking longer than necessary to pay you back your security deposit. That, or they hit you with unsuspected fees that bring your balance down to nothing. You can have your day in court with the assistance of Ace Small Claims.
We’ll do the hard work for you. Sit back, relax, and wait for your day in court. You’ll find out when you need to appear. That’s all you need to do when you work with us.
Let Us Make Arrangements to Get Your Security Deposit Back in Record Time
Ace Small Claims helps get your money back to you in record time. Let us file small claims forms for you. You’ll get a response from your former landlord in no time because people feel compelled to contact you to avoid legal action. You won’t get the run-around you experienced before from the person you rented a property from in the past.
What to Do When the Contractor You Hired Won’t Right a Wrong
Get the compensation you deserve after needing to hire another company to fix the mistake.
From time to time, you run into a nightmare situation involving a contractor who doesn’t make good on a promise. They dodge phone calls from you and refuse to address a situation you’re unhappy with when bringing it to their attention. You’re stuck at a crossroads wondering if you should take them to court or pay another contractor to fix the problem. We’re here to tell you that you should always get what an individual or company has promised you.
How to Address a Non-Compliant Contractor
It can be challenging to reach a contractor when they don’t want to make good on a guarantee. They may even demand payment upfront and not complete the job you hired them to do for you. If that is the case, the best thing you can do is write them a formal letter requesting that they contact you regarding the problem. Then, of course, threaten legal action.
If you disagree, contacting a small claims company such as ours to communicate with the contractor for you is ideal. It frees up your time to address other things. You’re not stuck wondering why it took you so long to come up with a solution. It also prevents the contractor from being aggressive with you because you weren’t satisfied with how they handled your complaint.
Taking action right away is imperative. There is often a statute of limitations in all states. If you don’t want to run into issues trying to collect a guarantee promised to you in writing, now is the time to contact us to serve the party with notice of a lawsuit.
Don’t Let Another Contractor Get Away with Not Paying You
Ace Small Claims is here for you when you need help most. We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs. Let us know what we can do to assist you with your request and get you the compensation you deserve. We’ll serve the contractor and make you aware of your court date after filing the necessary paperwork for you. Doing so allows you to focus your time and energy on other things requiring your attention.
Should You Garnish a Debtor’s Wages?
Let Ace Small Claims file and serve papers for you.
When a customer doesn’t fulfill their end of a transaction by submitting payment, you have every right to pursue legal action against them to get what is rightfully yours. Although we do not handle this side of the process, we do offer wage garnishment as a service for you to consider. If the debt is rather significant, it can pay to use us to recover the money owed to you.
If your payment requests have fallen on deaf ears, it’s time to take action once and for all. You can resolve the problem that you’re experiencing quickly by garnishing the debtor’s wages. The money is immediately taken from their paycheck before they receive it. That way, there is no question that they’ll get you paid.
What You Know About Wage Garnishment
Wage garnishment is a regular practice that doesn’t need to involve a sheriff. You can have us serve the debtor. We file and serve the individual so that you can cease contact with them and get the money they owe to you paid in full.
A filed garnishment orders a person’s employer to pay you from the debtor’s paycheck before issuing it to them. It’s among the most effective ways to resolve debt when the person that owes you refuses to pay. The best part of wage garnishment is that you can stop sending notices and calling a debtor in an attempt to get them to resolve what they owe to you.
Ace Small Claims Can Help You Resolve Issues That Cost You Time and Money
Ready to garnish a debtor’s wages? Let us do the work for you. For one set fee, we file and serve papers for you. It’s less stress and allows you to take quick action against a person who otherwise wouldn’t pay you for the debt that they owed. We take care of the process from start to finish so that you don’t need to make further contact with the debtor yourself.
Limit Your COVID-19 Exposure By Hiring Ace Small Claims to File for You
Let us handle your court-related filings while you continue to shelter at home.
With a global pandemic to consider, it just doesn’t make sense to take unnecessary chances when your health is already at risk. Rather than stand in line at the courthouse to file the necessary paperwork, why not let us do it for you? Not only does it save you time and keep you from going out in public where you could potentially be exposed, but it also gives you one less thing to think about when the entire state received instructions to wear masks and continue to practice social distancing.
Take Care of Your Small Claims Needs With One Dedicated Company
For a small fee, we handle all of your paperwork for you. Calling us to discuss your needs and to provide us with the information necessary for filing your small claim is the starting point. Once we’ve received the information, we’re able to take it to the courthouse for you. There’s no standing in line waiting to have someone see you, nor is there a chance of you potentially compromising your health by being in the same space as someone who is asymptomatic.
The package fees that we charge take care of all court costs, servicing defendants, and waiting in line. The only thing that we require of you is to show up to court on your scheduled date and time of appearance. It really is that easy!
Ace Small Claims Always Has Your Best Interests in Mind
Let us handle your filing needs for you. There is no need for you to risk exposure as a high-risk person or household. Stay where you are, and let us take care of your business for you. Not only does our service save you time, but it also limits the number of people you come into contact with to get your paperwork filed for you.
What Ace Process Service Has to Offer Its Customers
The testimonials that we’ve received says it all.
If you’re looking for a business that does the hard work for you by filing paperwork with the court system on your behalf and locating people who have ghosted you through highly effective skip tracing services, you’ve come to the right place. Ace Process Service puts our customers first.
How Our Customers Feel About the Level of Service We Provide
One look at our testimonial page, and you’ll be aware of the high level of customer service we provide to each and every person that reaches out to us with a request for assistance. We pride ourselves on being a company that takes good care of its people.
Here are some firsthand accounts of how we did just that:
“Jeff is the best at this type of work! I should really say amazing!! He really knows his stuff. Jeff helped me out with a small claims suit. He filed all the important paperwork and got everything moving in the right direction to go to court. I was hit by a car while on my bike and hurt pretty bad. Long story, but if you ever need legal help with anything, please call Jeff first. I can’t thank him enough.” – Steve R. from El Segundo, CA
“I called them to get some advice and direction on a Small Claims Case I had coming up the following day. David stopped and took 10 minutes to explain what to expect and what to do so I would feel comfortable during the process. He did not charge me a dime. I would trust them with my case if I were you. If I lose my initial trial, I will be hiring them for my appeal!” – Mike B. from North Hollywood, CA
The testimonials we’ve received were from customers who reviewed us on YELP. As you can see, we put people first by listening to their requests and providing them with the best solutions possible. Also, we treat all of our customers with care and respect as we know that it can be tough to ask for help when they need it most.
Be Ace Process Service’s Next Satisfied CustomerNow that you know what sets us apart from other companies that provide similar services in the area, you’re able to give our company a try. Find out for yourself what it means to be a satisfied customer. We go above and beyond to make sure that we meet your needs, and that you’ve received everything that you need from us to feel at peace with the processing service requested and delivered on behalf of you.
5 Clever Ways to Get Your Past Due Accounts to Pay You Now
A legal battle is always the last resort.
If you have debtors that refuse to pay what they owe to you, there are some things you can do to make them take action without legal action. It takes some cleverness and creativity but is much easier than you imagined it to be to implement. To help you with the process, we’ve come up with some surefire solutions for getting paid.
Below, learn five clever ways to get your past due accounts to pay you now.
#1: Be friendly but firm.
Make all communications going forward feel like friendly reminders but spell out the terms and conditions of the repayment plan options available for the debtor to choose from today. Letting them know what the consequences are for not paying a debt can help them see the urgency in doing so right away.
#2: Point out the clause that deals with all monies owed.
Remind them of the legal contract that exists between you and them. Clearly label the invoice with the appropriate language that causes them to take action and accountability for the debt they owe.
#3: Get them to agree to have payments automatically drafted from their bank account.
Rather than allow them to submit payment by phone, ask that they have the money taken out of their bank account automatically each month. Help them see the value in automatic payments by stating how easy it is to forget to pay manually.
#4: Offer them a deal where they pay less than what they owe.
You can allow the debtor to settle the debt in full for less. If they pay off the balance today, offer them a five to ten percent discount.
#5: Give them multiple payment options.
Let them decide which payment method works best for them. That way, you’re not met with resistance because they don’t have a major credit card or have lost their debit card.
Ace Process Service Helps You Get the Money That is Owed to You
Are you still having trouble collecting on past due accounts? Let Ace Process Service assist you with the matter so that you’re not wasting valuable time getting results. We’ll file the necessary paperwork with the court on your behalf so that you can spend your time focused on something else. If you have multiple debtors that refuse to pay, let us know so we can make one trip to serve them with a notice to appear in court.
Ace Process Service Helps You Get the Money That is Owed to You
Stop trying to reason with unreasonable people by letting us do the work.
Are you tired of people giving you the run around when it comes to the money that they owe you? Are you struggling to pay your bills because you trusted people to make good on their promise to pay for the products or services they acquired from you? If you’ve loaned out cash or delivered goods that never got taken care of, it’s time to do something about it once and for all.
Ace Process Service Can Assist You in Many Ways
If you need assistance collecting on debts due to you, there are many ways we can help. The services we provide make fast work out of filing court orders, locating debtors, and serving them papers. We take care of the tasks so that you can carry on with business as usual.
During times of financial uncertainty, it only makes sense to collect money owed to you. If your requests for payment have fallen on deaf ears, let us assist you. You’ve done what you could do without seeking legal action.
Skip Tracing Services Lets Us Locate a Debtor Fast
We help get the money that a person owes you. Rather than spin your wheels trying to make contact with the person, why not file a lawsuit against the debtor? Having problems locating them? Don’t worry!
We’re expert skip tracers. We’ll find the person that you’ve filed a lawsuit against and serve them with papers. That way, they’re forced to take care of the issue without delay. You’ll get the money owed to you and spend less time thinking about the person who is defaulting on their contract or loan.
Contact Us Right Away with Your Request for Service
We’re all in this together. Let us know what we can do to assist you and provide you with peace of mind. We’re only just a phone call or email away.
Maintain Your Distance By Having Ace Process Service File Your Court Documents
Stay at home where you belong during the coronavirus outbreak.
Timing is everything. If you can amicably settle a debt between you and a debtor, it’s essential to do so. It prevents you from going to court where you risk exposure to the coronavirus. If financial concerns make collecting the debt imperative to your survival, let us take care of you with our rush court service. We’ll take the precautionary measures necessary to protect ourselves while we file your relevant documents with the court.
What Rush Court Service Entails
The expedited service allows us to file time-sensitive documents on your behalf, so you don’t need to enter the courthouse. We also serve necessary paperwork to the debtor, so they’re aware of what is taking place about their outstanding debt. We prefer to limit our contact with people as much as possible, so we request that you use the service only when it is imperative to do so.
Keep in mind that you will receive a court date that you must attend if the court has not closed. It is a possibility, so being diligent about following updates is imperative. You’ll need to contact the court for further instruction if your small claims hearing gets moved to another date. That way, you don’t miss your opportunity to see the judge and discuss your case.
What to Do When You Need to File a Lawsuit in Small Claims Court
There is no need to expose yourself to a potential health risk for the time being. If you can postpone action until a later date, please consider doing so. If writing a final request for payment doesn’t warrant the response you hoped for, feel free to contact us. We’ll be able to answer any questions that you have about our services as well as what to expect in the upcoming weeks if the courts close temporarily.
What to Do When You’re Owed Money and a Person Refuses to Pay You
You deserve compensation for following through with your end of the bargain.
As a business, you know what it’s like to try to collect unpaid invoices and fees for broken contracts. It feels as if you’re putting a lot of effort in only to get ignored. If your request for payment remains unanswered, it’s time to step things up and take legal action against the individual or business owing you money.
When a Debtor Has Had Plenty of Time to Pay But Ignores Your Request
In the state of California, you have the right to seek damages in small claims court. Before you contact us with your request, however, it’s best to take the following steps to ensure that you’ve done everything you can to get the debtor to pay. If they think that you’re planning to pursue legal action against them, they may make a last-ditch effort to pay you to avoid a lawsuit.
Here’s what you need to do if a debtor owes you money but refuses to pay you:
- Write a final letter detailing the debt. Include the current amount owed with late fees and how it continues to incur interest at a rate of 10 percent per year. Note that you’ll use all reasonable means to collect the debt, including wage garnishment and liens on real property, according to California law.
- If the debtor reaches out, help them find ways to pay the debt. As noted by the California Courts: The Judicial Branch of California, suggest that they offer up their tax refund to pay their debt or hold a garage sale to make money to take care of what they owe.
- Pursue legal action. That’s when you contact a small claims company such as ours to work on your behalf. You’ve already put enough time and energy into the collection process.
The best-case scenario involves the debtor paying you on their own without the need to include the courts. If they continue to ignore your requests for payment, however, you’ll have taken the steps necessary to seek legal action against them.
What Ace Small Claims Service Does for Its Clients Who are Owed Money
Get the money that you’re owed by having Ace Small Claims Service do the hard work for you. For a flat fee, we’ll take care of all the necessary forms required to file a small claims lawsuit with the court. We’ll provide proof of service and serve the defendant. We’ll then provide you with all documentation in a packet for you to reference. The only thing required of you once we’ve finished the process is for you to appear in court on the date and time appointed to you.
Is Small Claims Mediation Right for Me?

If you are considering filing a case against someone, you might be curious if small claims mediation is right for you. Small claims mediation is most useful when the dispute is with someone you know or you want to keep a positive ongoing relationship with. Small claims mediation is low cost and sometimes free, which makes it an ideal option for those who wish to resolve disputes amicably.
Taking part in an angry or bitter case before a judge is often damaging to relationships. Individuals who want to maintain a positive relationship get the most out of small claims mediation because they can have a discussion about the issues while sharing their frustrations in a way that may not be allowed in a court setting.
Mediation can be beneficial even for those who are not concerned about necessarily maintaining a close relationship. A successful mediation also reduces the chance that a case will be lost. Additionally, you can keep control of the whole process in mediation; whereas in court, the judge has control. Mediation also offers an immediate resolution and the other party is typically more likely to hold up their end of the deal or payment requirement. When someone loses in court, they often drag their feet when it comes to paying or they fail to out of anger.
Small claims court mediation may not be for everyone. If you just want what you are asking for (no more or no less, no matter the reason), or if you just want the opposing party to suffer in a court case before a judge, then mediation is likely not worth your time. Consider what outcome you want to see from a case before you make the decision to mediate.