Are you owed money? Is the person or party responsible for this debt making themselves impossible to contact or even locate? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then skip tracing services could be right for you. Here at Ace Small Claims, skip tracing is one of the many services we offer for individuals and businesses trying to collect money that rightfully belongs to them. Read on to learn more about skip tracing for small claims:
What is skip tracing? Skip tracing refers to the process of tracking down and contacting a person who is deliberately making themselves difficult to find. The term originates from the phrase ´to skip town,´ as this is precisely the strategy that many unscrupulous debtors use in an attempt to avoid making payments.
What strategies do skip tracers rely on? Skip tracers are experts in tracking down public records and making accurate extrapolations from that data. Should this prove unsuccessful, skip tracers may locate and then interview acquaintances of the person in question, in a process known as social engineering.
Is skip tracing permitted in my legal district? Skip tracing is legal across the US — however, specifical state and local regulations may dictate which methods may and may not be used. This is why hiring a profession is usually wiser than attempting to trace a skip on your own.
Why are skip tracers hired? In most cases, money is involved. Perhaps you have a small claims case against your skip and they are avoiding making a court appearance. (If they are smart, they will avoid service of process altogether, thus minimizing their liability in the case!) In other circumstances, people skip town after losing a small claims case in order to avoid making payments.
Want to learn more about skip tracing and other important small claims issues? Visit Ace Small Claims online today!